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Are there True Prophets in the Church?

Scripture Reading: Acts 13:1-6


The best way to identify the counterfeit is to be acquainted with the original. When we have fully mastered the original then we can easily know the bad, false or counterfeit. In the church in Antioch we read there were prophets and teachers and five of them were listed including famous Paul and Barnabbas. It is recorded that during a fasting and prayer session there was an utterance or prophesy which instructed that Paul and Barnabbas be set apart for a special assignment, that which the Lord had appointed them. This prophesy was a confirmation of what the Lord had told Paul at the Damascus Encounter. 

There are still prophets of God in our generation who the Lord speak through and this is not far from seeing even in the Church of Pentecost and other Churches. What is amazing is that the prophecies would be confirming what the Lord might have already said and would by no means contradict any scripture. I have heard few people criticizing that the Church of today does not believe in the office of prophets and the ministry of prophesies. This is not true. Just as there were prophets in the days of Paul so are there prophets in our time. 

The caution however, is that, many false prophets have gone out into the world deceiving and
being deceived and this calls for extra vigilance. When false prophets flog into the church and the state they divert people from serving the Lord faithfully and make them lazy; they make people believe in predictions which will never be fulfilled.

Prayer: May you confirm to me whatever you have promised me as I engage with your Word and join other believers in worship. (EAK)


Matthew 24:24 (NIV Live) For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

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