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PENTBOOKS is an ultimate first class web application designed to meet user-specification in educational resources among Pentecostals and Charismatic.

This digital platform offers the best online library showcasing African Theology and Evangelical ideology as sprang out in Africa during the nineteenth century. It was designed by Sampson Rockefellar Ampiaw an evangelist , and a trained Web developer by BlueCrest University College in Ghana. His huge  background in Pentecostalism and technology is what this blog seeks to publish. 

You will find best resources on Church Management, relationship, culture, morals, local news, tutorials on Technology and lifestyle.

As a subsidiary of Elive Studio Ltd, the blog provides a secure environment for data protection as enshrined in law. Being driven by complex database this is a masterpiece for dynamic info-search. 

Since, it was light coded, minimal memory is required in running this application on all devices. Please do not hesitate to contact us should the need arrive. Thank you