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No room for glorying - Love Pulse Devotion

Love Pulse Devotion Guide by Sampson R. Ampiaw

Friday Morning Devotion, October 5, 2018

No room for glorying

Main Story :   Romans 4:1-4

What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. -  Romans 1:16

It's so unfair that a workman, having built a house with another man's purse, should go around to set up his own name upon the front thereof; nowadays, roofing companies have developed a strategy that when you contract them, they advertise their business on your building after they have charged you.

A Roman Emperor Justinian decreed that no workman should be allowed to set up his name within the body of a building which he was contracted by another in AD 300. The Justinian's Law sought to promote fairness, if you will advertise then consider the cost. You can't glory in the success which you have not paid its cost.

We are the architecture of Christ. God planned our life, joy, salvation and everything through Christ. The scripture even says; we were made from Him and for Him. Even when sin took over our heart, Christ paid an expensive price to redeem us. We are now His temple. He lives in us that we may glorify God. We can't therefore boast of any success, any righteous living, for it is Christ righteousness which is at work in us. Our fasting, prayers, and gospel, giving of alms, etc.; are all the costs paid off by Christ. We are so poor, that he cannot reach a good thought, much less a good deed; all resources that put us on sight are from God, the building is His; it is He that paid for it. 

Give but, therefore, the glory and the honour thereof unto God, and take all the profit to thyself.  Hallelujah ! 

Prayer: Thank you my savior and my Lord. Please help me to speak less of me and more of you in both words and deeds. Amen

Further Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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