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The Gospel increases knowledge - Love Pulse Devotion

Love Pulse Devotion Guide by Sampson R. Ampiaw
Tuesday Morning Devotion, October 9, 2018

The Gospel increases knowledge

Main Story :   Mark 4:13-25

If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.  -  Mark 4:23

The growth of knowledge is dependent on the level in which we approach the study of  truth. According to the amount of faithfulness and diligence as hearers assign to the gospel we shall receive illumination.

There must be an intellectual readiness for the gospel. In the midst of the increases of knowledge, technology driven method towards illumination, we are still challenged with the ability to listen, hear and decode the voice of the good news. This is probably, the cause of worldliness, its cares filling the mind and preventing illumination (Luke 12:13). Sometimes our intellectual tastes unfit us for the reception of spiritual truth. Though we find ourselves in the age of study and reading; we have developed much appetite for reading of unfit materials instead of the bible.

 Thousands cannot reach the truth because of the fiction, the heresy, telenovella, which is so constantly find its  ways in their hands. Aside the vanity chase of chaffs, false teachers, misleading prophets, the scorners of the gospel and witness-less Christians have contributed to the silence of the voice of love, truth, purity and life. To "him that hath" seriousness, sympathy, expectation, "it shall be given." There must be moral preparedness. Men fail to receive truth because of the impurity of their hearts.

After Jesus has shared the gospel with the people He expected from them understanding, clearly He realized they were lacking. He went ahead and explained the parable of the sower, then charged His audience on how they can be illuminated. He says. "have ears, and the world will let you hear". Here, Jesus said, the measure of attention we give to gospel, we shall receive corresponding returns, even more, so great the knowledge. When it happens then we bear fruit in multiples of thousands. 

Don't be part of the hindrances, be part of the solutions, let someone, hear the gospel today. Hallelujah ! 

Prayer: Glorious Spirit I thank you. Let the light of the gospel shines in me . Amen

Further Readings: Now I feel the Sacred fire - Opoku Onyinah

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