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Implementation Framework - Vision 2023 Document of COP

 The Vision 2023 document represents a roadmap and the specific strategic direction needed by the church to pursue its Possessing the Nations. However, the Vision strategy is just a plan, which addresses the what and why of the proposed interventions; it doesn’t guarantee that the desired performance is reached. After all the work devoted to the articulation of the Vision and the formulation of the appropriate strategies, the most important task of effectively implementing the planned interventions still remains. It is self-evident that the outcomes expected from the implementation of strategies will not materialize until the planned actions are successfully carried out
The transformation agenda of Vision 2023 undoubtedly demands the efficient and effective implementation of well-designed interventions in order to fulfil the requirements of the Great Commission. Vision implementation will therefore entail the process that will turn the Vision strategies and plans into actions in order to accomplish the strategic objectives and the desired outcomes. The implementation framework thus seeks to move the Vision strategy from ideas and intentions to actions that will drive the Possessing the Nations Agenda by addressing the who, where, when, and how of the proposed interventions. Implementing the Vision strategy is therefore as important, or even more important, than the Vision strategy itself. Attached to this document is a detailed implementation framework designed to guide the implementation process.

4.1 Start-Up Activities

The implementation of the Vision strategy will include several different initiatives. The following steps to be implemented immediately, will serve as the base implementation plan, with the necessary modification when necessary to fit the Church's culture and structure.

• We shall collect baseline information on outcome indicators. • Various versions of the Vision Strategy and the Implementation Framework shall be produced for the various functional departments, areas, districts ministries, boards, committees and training institutions. • We shall establish a scorecard system for tracking and monitoring implementation of the Vision strategy. • We shall roll out the Vision Statement across the entire church. • All department/ministry/area/district/ annual plans shall be built around the implementation Framework of the Vision Strategy. • We shall align budget to annual goals based on financial assessment. • Set up periodic strategy meetings with established reporting protocol to monitor implementation progress. • We shall set up annual strategic review dates and large group meetings for an annual plan review.

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