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Biography of Joseph Anane Bimpong

Joseph Anane Bimpon a native of Akroso, was born to Opanin Kwabena Obirah and Maame Yaa Abeka, both of Akroso, on 15th February, 1906.


He had his primary education at the Akim Akroso A.M.E. Zion School from 1911 to 1921. He furthered his education at Mtantsipim School for two years but had to withdraw in forfinancial and other unfortunate reasons. 


Joseph Bimpong taught for a year as a Pupil teacher at A.M.E. Zion School Akroso. ln 1925, he was employed by S.C.O.A. Co. Ltd. as a storekeeper. J.A Bimpong resigned from his company and took to farming. He use to work in the local market with his farm produce. He also worked as a coco purchasing clerk.


The late J.A Bimpong got married to Madam Mary Akua Buah of Akim Akroso . Their marriage was blessed with seven children.

Conversion, Call into Ministry and Calling:

According to Madam Janet Sintimwaa of blessed memory, the late J. Bimpon, was an ‘asafoakye’ (a sub-chief) of Akroso. Rev. James Gyima invited Joseph to a prayer meeting at Anum-Asamang. The day before, Bimpong was bold enough to have sent all the royal regalia to the family head. At the prayer meeting, he offered himself to be baptized. This was in early 1936.

He soon received the Holy Spirit baptism on November 1936. He had two wives but took a bold step to compensate the second wife and divorced her. He became a staunch member of the church and never looked back.

The late J .A. Bimpong was called into the ministry in 1940 as an overseer and was stationed at Wassa-Dompim on December 28, 1946 through a prophecy by Rev. Adam McKeown, Joseph Bimpong was called and ordained a pastor of The Apostolic Church. This was during a general convention in Kumasi.

Stations Served:

Wassa-Dompim - 1940-1941,Hemang - 1941-1946,Saltpond - 1946-1947,Sekondi - 1947-1950,Juaso-Ashanti - 1950-1954,Dunkwa-on-Offin - 1954-1959,Tarkwa - 1959-1961,
He continued his services the following DistrictsAsamankese - 1961-1963,Cape Coast - 1963-1965Duayaw Nkwanta - 1965-1966Sunyani - 1966-1969Suhum - 1969-1971,Oda - 1971-1972

He retired from active ministerial service at Akim Oda in 1972 and was called to glory on June 10, 1981


Man of valour has left the scene of activity; has finished his course. who knew no defeat has won Apostle Joseph Anane Bimpong was that to J A. Bimpong had the following to say: “He was a founding member of Pentecost. He passed through difficult times in his ministerial hence, had a lot to tell young ministers by way of advice Those of us who saw him closely enjoyed sitting at his feet as he narrated the story of The of Pentecost.

Biography of James K. Gyimah

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A man of the Word as he was, he never took decisions without reference to the word. He had less to complain about and blessed the hearts of many who are into the ministry. 

Source: Sampson Rockefellar Ampiaw in COP History

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