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Good and Bad Prophets

Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 22:1-11


lt is intriguing how in these days people line up for all forms of prophecies in Churches - Job, marriage, travel and many more. People line up to receive the next direction for the next activity of life from these professional prophets who seem to have answers for all the problems of life. Some of
these prophecies are received face to face, others through phone calls and still others by means of the social media. 

These prophets speak goodwill and success into the lives of their “customers” who have queued
for blessings in the various daily activities of life. Using sometimes objects and prescribed formulae - “akwankyere" they are not only able to predict
the future but assure their clients of the next good or great thing the Lord would be doing for them. 

The Lord seeks relationship with all men and therefore, any prophesy that does not seek to bring people closer to God but seek to promote success and wealth cannot be from God. The King of Israel had many prophets who said the things he wanted to hear though they moved his heart far away from God. 

They did not seek his real and personal relationship with God. However, in the name of the Lord they said to him all the good things he wanted to hear which cost him his life. The Lord seeks relationship with us far above any “blessings” and therefore when a prophesy speaks all the great things into our lives whilst we live in sin and evil, then we must be sure that these “good prophesies" seek our downfall and destruction.

Prayer: Lord cause me to know that all I need for my walk with You is in Your word. (EAK)

Matthew 24:24 (NIV Live) For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

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