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Burning a Music CDs and its Legalities

The art of transporting data from a PC to a Compact Disc is termed as burning. The process is possible by the use of device a CD writer or a burner. 

Normally, desktop and most laptops have CD  drive that can be used for playing  music or burning music playlist. To do this, you will need a blank CD, typically CD-R ( CD-Recordable) or CD-RW (CD-Rewritable), for burning. The CD-R disk is enable a user to write files which cannot be erased, CD-RW disk, allows you to to burn, erase or replace with new data. 

By standard CD-R discs have storage capacity of 700 MB or 80 minutes of music recording. 

Let also look at legalities in copying or burning music. Generally, every music written by somebody carries some copyright which user must always be aware.  Copyrighted music, do not allow for copying and selling, even duplicating for a friend.  Exchanging music files with other users on the Internet can also be illegal.

However, it is not illegal to burn personal music from your PC for your use.  

Read How you can burn mp3 for personal entertainment

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