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Good and Bad Prophesies 2

Scripture Reading; 1 Kings 22:12-38 


The Lord always seeks deeper relationship with us and therefore, anything that seeks to draw us away from Him must be seen as destructive. 

All the false prophesies of the 400 men as read in today’s passage seemed pleasing in the ears and sight of the King because they promoted his ego and praised him. He was however, not pleased with Micaiah because he said what the King did not want to hear - defeat. 

We must be aware that the Lord seeks that we love Him and serve Him in spirit and truth. Therefore, nany prophesy that points out our evil ways, warns of coming danger and brings us closer to the Lord should be embraced and accepted. Prophesies that seek to promote sin and make us desire wealth and prosperity at the expense of godliness and true worship must be rejected. Students instead of studying to pass their examinations depend on prophets to tell them how successful they would be in their exams or future endeavours.

People instead of working hard and being committed and faithful to their employers queue to receive good prophecies that promise them wealth and success in the pool of laziness and mediocrity. The Lord is not obliged to perform the prophecies of false prophets who promote godlessness and apathy. He only keeps watch over His word to perform not the words of men or demons. May we heed to the warnings of the Lord even if they do not sound good in our ears -for the Lord seeks that we obey Him and live.

Good prophecies bring us closer to God; bad prophecies deepen the gap between God and us.

Prayer: Let me be attentive to your will and follow You faithfully no matter the cost. (EAK)

Matthew 24:24 (NIV Live) For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

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