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Killing the Prophets of Baal

Scripture Reading: 1Kings 18:1-40


I have been seriously disturbed about the trend of prophetism in our generation especially in Africa where many young people follow after one prophet or the other to be given direction in almost every endeavour.

My other worry has been those who have become spiritual consultants offering one form of prophesy or the other. Like Samaria, in a country or cities where false prophets increase, the people are gripped in poverty and stagnation as they refuse to live right and follow “common sense". When the hearts of the people are turned away from the true worship of God, sin engulfs the nation and poverty and disaster set in. 

In the days of Ahab, 450 false prophets were eating from the table of Jezebel when there was great famine in the land. These were the prophets who had brought trouble on Israel but were the ones who enjoyed favour from the table of the King.

The only way rains could return from the Lord was to totally destroy these prophets from Samaria. One surest way to ensure personal prosperity and national success is to destroy false prophets from among us. This we can do by teaching the truth and causing the hearts of the people to follow after God. 

The deeds and practices of these prophets must be exposed so that they cannot continue to mislead the masses. The greatest medicine to mediocrity, apathy, laziness and most forms of vices is to get rid of and expose these false prophets who teach nothing but false and lie extorting money and wealth from the poor and rich alike.

Prayer: Father may I be an agent who will help destroy and expose false prophets in this generation. (EAK)

Matthew 24:24 (NIV Live) For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.

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