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How to Prepare Effectively for Church Leadership / Job Interview

Sheeps on Pasture || Source Ali Hadbe on
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Christianity has a strong drive in training leaders, the church is by itself a source of employment for believers.

The task of discipleship never ceases, every christian institute aims to acquire people of commitment and integrity to entrust the work of discipleship in their care.

There are two main categories of leaders in the church especially the Classical Pentecostals. I am using the leadership of the Church of Pentecost as case study in this step by step guide. The church has Lay Leaders and the Clergy. 

Lay Leaders are general workers who serve the Lord through the church in various capacities voluntarily. The clergy also called full time ministers perform more functions which a lay leader cannot. Lay leaders investmest more energy and time into the ministry hence they receive allowance or salary.

Having been a lay leader in the Church of Pentecost for over 15 years, I have had to guide a lot of potential leaders in preparing for interviews for both clergy and laity. In the following guidelines I tackle how to prepare for interviews for the offices of full time minister, elders, deacons and deaconesses. 

It is a calling not employment

Before we start it is prudent, that we see the ministry as presented by Christ as a call to serve. The calling differs from one person to the other. It does not depend on your charisma, education or special abilities. In as much, as these qualities enhance a ministry, they are not determinant of your call to serve. Pentecostals believe God has the sole mandate in calling people to the ministry.

The potential interviewee should FIRST recognized the calling of God on him. It is the foundation quality. In the absence of this going for such an interview especially on full time ministry could be dangerous, it could lead to people substituting CALLING with EMPLOYMENT. 

From the point of view of the COP, there are three key areas which  an interview will be centered.

  • Doctrinal Questions
  • Moral
  • Responsibilities
  • Church History
  • Current Affair

Doctrinal Questions deal with fundamental beliefs of the church. The Church of Pentecost live to believe in ten core doctrine called Tenets. I have followed the set of beliefs of about 20 churches in the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Counsel, I find their individual doctrine complement one another. Therefore, my guidelines on Doctrinal questions may work for Christians who are not members of the church of Pentecost.

When answering doctrinal question, bear in mind that you are standing before a mirror. 

Example and Feedback

1. Who does the Regeneration work in our lives?
Ans: Holy Spirit (Read a commentary this here)

2. What are the Tenants of the Church, mention five?
Ans: Read full Tenets

Comment: Avoid listing headings of tenets without explanation. For instance, if you mention "bible" explain what we believe concerning the Bible.

3Explain the doctrine of incarnation?
Ans: Incarnation is the belief that Jesus Christ who is God became a Man, lived with men, went through the life of Mankind and redeemed man through his crucifixion. (Read John 1:1-14)

Comment: Don't confuse "incarnation and re-incarnation" Reincarnation is defined in Wikipedia as the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological death. It is also called rebirth or transmigration, and is a part of the Saṃsāra doctrine of cyclic existence.

4. What are the signs of the second coming of Christ?
Ans: Read Christ Teachings (Matthew 24), Pauline Teachings (2 Timothy 3:1-6) and Petra Teachings (2 Peter 3:3-10)

5. What is the difference between Spiritual Gifts and the Fruit of the Spirit?

Ans: Spiritual gifts (Charisma for ministry) are found in Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and Ephesians 4:8-11. Fruit of the Spirit (Character for Ministry) on the other hand refers to morality, holiness and attitude for a believer. Read. Galatians 5:19-22

6. What is Justification? 

Ans: Receiving pardon for forgiveness of sin through the atoning work of Christ. (Rom 3:24-25) 
Comment: The emphasis is not on just forgiveness, the state of a justified person is as if he has never sinned before. 

7. What is Salvation?

Ans: Being saved from sin and all it effects.

8. What is the Truth of our faith? 

Ans: Read 1Timothy 3:16 

9. How is Tithe and Missionary offering used in the Church of Pentecost?

Ans: Tithe is used in the following ways;

  •  10% support local developmental projects
  • 10% support district development projects
  • 10% support area development projects
  • 10% are invested into Area Infrastructure
  • It is the source of all other grants
  • Administration of the church (Salaries, taxes and allowances)
  • Missions Offering and McKweon Missions offering support Missions.

10. What is the difference between Pentecostal and Charismatic?

Read my article on this question here

Aside what has been cited, the entire Bible serves as part of the doctrine. Answer the following questions in the comment.

1. How many wives did Abraham have?

2. What is the Unpardonable sin?

3. What is the longest name in the Bible?

4. What is the Kingdom of God and where is it?

Now the following questions focus on the responsibilities and qualifications for the offices. 

Note, the qualifications must be understood properly, in every church vetting, the vetting panel expect from the interviewee to be already involved in the duties for the office especially, deacons and deaconesses.  

1. Mention responsibilities as enshrined in the church constitution; 
  a. Elder
  b. Deacon
  c. Deaconess

Ans: Read for elder, deacon and deaconess


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