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Responsibilities of Elders of the Church of Pentecost

It has been the tradition of the church from the days of the Apostles that as and when the needs arise the church ordain voluntary non paid officers to assist the clergy in managing the church. The office of an elder is highest office in the laity.

Here are the duties of Elders as according to the constitutions of the Church of Pentecost.

The calling of an Elder  not the sole responsibility of the Pastor, he does it in consultation of the local presbytery. Qualified brothers within the local assembly are proposed for vetting appearing before the District/Area Vetting Committee.

Successful candidates shall be ordained as Elders by an Apostle or a Prophet of The Church in accordance to the New Testament practice of ‘Laying on of hands’ instead of using anointing oil during ordination of Ministers or officers.

The following are the duties of elders:

1. They are responsible for leading the Church in prayer and for teaching the unadulterated Word of God.

2. They are “custodians of the faith"  that is, they guard jealously the fundamental doctrines of the Church, in order that no unscriptural teachings may be passed on by them or others to the saints.

3. They have the responsibility of visiting the sick and afflicted saints. They are to know all members in the Church and, if possible, visit them in their homes from time to time (in large assemblies, say twice a year).

4. In the absence of the Minister, they administer the Lord’s Supper on the Lord’s Day.

5. They see to it that spiritual and moral discipline is kept in the Church.  They help settle differences amongst the saints.  They report misconduct of sinning members to the Minister, who will take disciplinary action against unrepentant

In the absence of the District Minister they are to conduct Church services, tarry meetings, open-air services, naming or christening ceremonies.

6 They are responsible for the acquisition of plots of lands and other properties for the local Church and report such acquisitions to the District Minister or Area Deacon.

7. They are responsible for the burial of deceased members in the absence of a Minister. 

8. They see to the maintenance of Church discipline (1 Cor. 6:1-3; Titus1:13).

9. They are to be punctual during Church services.

10. They are to be approachable but firm and fair.

11. They are to read and study the Bible so as to receive rhema for tho members.

12. They see to it that tithes/offerings and other designated fund are paid on time to the appropriate quarters.

13. They are to ensure that all policies and guidelines of the Church in duly implemented in their locals

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