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How to define this - Web Terminologies

Desktop || Source:
.com || The Internet domain dedicated to commercial organization.

.gov || An Internet domain corresponding to U.S. government, including federal, state and local governments.

Access Sever || Communications processor that connects asynchronous devices to a LAN or WAN ,through network and terminal emulation software. Performs both synchronous and asynchronous routing of supported protocols. Sometimes, also called a network access server.

Access Time || Access time The time interval between the instant at which data is called from a storage device and the instant delivery begins. '

Active Channel bar || Internet Explorer window that displays information about Microsoft's recommended channels.

Active Desktop || Desktop configuration in which your desktop can display Web pages from the Internet.

Active moniter || Multiported device that amplifies LAN transmission signals. Also, device responsible for monitoring a Token Ring. The active monitor ensures that tokens are not lost and that frames do not circulate indefinitely.

Access Sever Pages || A server-side dynamic content technology that implements a scripting host like Visual Basic or ]Script as an ISAPI filter DLL.

Active window || The window that is currently being used. Active windows show the "active window color" in their title bar (set table through the Control Panel). Other windows are inactive. To activate an inactive window, you must click somewhere in the inactive window or use the taskbar to select the window (see taskbar). On the taskbar, the active window looks like a pressed button; inactive windows are represented by unpressed buttons.

Address || An identification, represented in the form of a name, label, or number, for designating a particular location in the storage area.

Address Bar || Toolbar that can appear in Folder windows and Windows Explorer windows, and includes only the Address box.

Address BOOK || Windows 98 utility that is so designed that you can store names and addresses of your friends and clients, etc.

Address box || Box appearing on the Address Bar in a Folder window or Windows Explorer window, in which the name of the open folder appears. Also, this is a technique that allows different protocols to interoperate by translating addresses from one format to another. For example, when routing IP over X.25, the IP addresses must be mapped to the X.25 addresses so that the IP packets can be transmitted by the X.25 network.

Advanced Intelligent Network || It is an expanded set of network service made available to the user, and under user control that requires improvement in network switch architecture, signaling capabilities and peripherals.

AFP || Apple Talk Filing Protocol. Application- and presentation-layer protocol that allows users to share data files and application programs that reside on a file server.

Animation || A set of images, pictures, or drawings displayed in sequence to imply movement. Computer animation files can be inserted in programs, such as PowerPoint, and run by the speaker or viewer.

Anonymous FTP || The most common use of FTP, the Internet file transfer protocol. FTP sites that allow anony-
mous FTP do not require a password or access one only has to log in as anonymous and enter one’s e-mail address as a password.

AOL ||The standard abbreviation for America Online.

Application Level Firewall A firewall system in which service is provided by processes that maintain complete TCP connection state and sequencing. Application level firewalls often re-address traffic so that outgoing traffic appears to have originated from the firewall, rather than the internet host.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) || A standard coding system for computers. ASCII-7 is a 7-bit code and its extended version ASCII-8 is an 8-bit code.

ASCII File || It is a document file in the universally recognized text format called ASCII. An ASCII file contains characters, spaces, punctuation, carriage return, and sometimes tabs and an end-of-file marker, but it contains no formatting information.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) || ATM is a switching and multiplexing technology that enables voice, data and video to be transmitted simultaneously over WAN s at high-speed. Data is converted into fixed-length (53-byte) packet, called cells, that are transported at high-speeds through the network. These cells are then converted back to their respective traffic types at the destination.

yATM Switch || A device that controls information traffic between PCs or workstation using high-speed link.

Attached file or Attachment || File that is sent as part of an e-mail message or Newsgroup article.

Authentication || The process of determining the identity of a user that attempts to access a system. Also in security, the verification of the identity of a person or process.

Authorization || The process of determining what types of activities are permitted. Usually, authorization is in the context of authentication: once you have authenticated a user, they may be authorized different types of access or activity.

Autonomous System || A collection of networks under a common administration that share a common routing strategy.

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