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Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

Love Pulse Devotion Guide by Sampson R. Ampiaw
Wednesday Morning Devotion, October 10, 2018

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

Main Story :   1 Corinthian 2:1-16

For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. -  1 Corinthian 2:2

Paul was trained in all the learning that was common among the Jews, and it is obvious, examining some expressions in his writings, his great cultured experience in Greek was a plus; he could therefore, have taken his audience upon their own favourite grounds; he might have preach to them in a way suited to the prevailing taste, he might have touched lightly upon those parts of the Christian system against which their prejudices were most powerfully directed, and thus have escaped not only the contempt of his auditors, but secured their admiration.

But he resolved not to go that way on a deep and heartfelt conviction that CHRIST JESUS, in that which He has done and suffered, is the only hopeful ground for the sinner. The case of the sinner was dreadful though, the apostle knew,  it was not hopeless, and emphasizing the importance of the eternal safety of the soul as a matter of concern, compared with which everything else must sink into insignificance.

Recently, preachers are gaining the recognition of calibrated rhetorics. Some years ago the world considered Plato, Socrates, some unbelieving philosophers for eloquence, motivation and wisdom, nowadays, Christian speakers are favorite. It seems the wisdom from the word of God has transformed and shaped our trusted men of God into paths of admiration. We should be mindful of He, who has sent us to the world and the message He has sent with us. He says preach the gospel to all creation, let people belief for salvation, power, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Our message is still Christ and Him crucified, Hallelujah ! 

Prayer: To God be the glory, please empower us to remain in you as we seek to tell others about you . Amen

Further Readings: Mark 16:15-19

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