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7 days of effective Prayer - Be Specific in the fight

Love Pulse Devotion Guide by Sampson R. Ampiaw
Thursday Morning Devotion, October 11, 2018

7 days of effective Prayer - Be Specific in the fight

Main Story :    Matthew 18:18-19

Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.  -  James 5:17-18 NIV

The Christian Journey travels through a path which is made up of ups and downs. You are going to pray often so as to continually relate well with your navigator, the Holy Spirit. Prayer will be your channel of communication, more importantly, being a stranger on this path where you can't predict so easily what lies few metres in front neither, tell certainties of tomorrow. Your prayers are not always going to be some form of dialogues between you and God, where you pray just because you want to stay in communion. 

There shall come times of real issues, you are here because you can overcome but fervent prayers. In most of the time to pray, you will be required to do so in absolute terms. Being specific in prayer is very necessary, as buying items in a grocery. Can you imagine what would people have thought, if you ever walked into a shop and pushed a cart from an item to an item and ended up buying nothing? Perhaps, in your first, someone would say "window shopping" but if it continues persistently people would start to think you must be pushed to the hospital.  

Unfortunately, many soul winners walk in the aisles of prayer, pushing cart from one item to the other. So many times we are indefinite in praying. We spent quality time in lengthy hours yet we say nothing, we bind nothing, lose nothing, ask nothing, love less, praise poor and lose easily. For us to pray and be answered, we must be specific, stand on the promise of God from His Word, rebuke tempting thought from Satan through the same Word and JUST FIGHT A GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. Hallelujah ! 

Prayer: To God be the glory, please empower us to remain in you as we seek to tell others about you . Amen

Further Readings: Sing "What a friend we have in Jesus"

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