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6 days of effective Prayer - Ask whatever!

Love Pulse Devotion Guide by Sampson R. Ampiaw
Friday Morning Devotion, October 12, 2018

6 days of effective Prayer - Ask whatever!

Main Story :    John 16:23-24

I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.  Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.  -  Mark 11:23-24 NIV

The art of prayer shall be a blessing to us only when our own will (demand) is entirely connected to the will (approval) of our heavenly Father. Modesty in prayer is a standard, our father in heaven already knows what we need yet, Jesus says "ASK HIM WHATEVER". The will of God is in His word, if what we so desire is promised, in the Word, God permits that we receive the answer. We find here the most pivotal exercise of a prayer which Christ says it's God's will, "This mountain,can be cast out into the sea" He continues, it's only through "doubt" that such a demand won't work. 

Every prayer made and believed to have been received compelled God to act. God does not consider, the size of what we ask, He considers the amount of faith, the persistent of hope and consistency in the His Word. You are going to live up to this challenge, mountains are going to flee if we would pray with revelation believing we have receive the answer but not the knowledge that the answer has not come.  

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Truthfully, when we pray and doubt about the outcome, we make God a liar. Satan has enthroned himself as the god of the world, he throws challenging thoughts against the Christian who Paul says he has "many Spiritual Blessings stored up in heaven" Our requests manifest spiritually, because we are spirit. You are what you pray about, begin to ask and believe the mighty things you say in your prayers are manifesting.  Hallelujah ! 

Prayer: Lord thank you for your relationship. I now have access to heavenly blessing . Amen

Further Readings: Matthew 7:7-8, Romans 3:4, 2 Corinthians 4:4

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