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5 days of effective Prayer - Positive Thinking

Love Pulse Devotion Guide by Sampson R. Ampiaw
Saturday Morning Devotion, October 13, 2018

5 days of effective Prayer - Positive Thinking

Main Story :    James 1:2-8

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. -  James 4:7 NIV

The natural heart rebels against justification, against the very promises of God for every personal claim, and to extend, the acceptance of salvation, healing, peace, blessing, for which we are wholly indebted to Jesus. It cannot accept the fact, that if we believe in Jesus, our position is to claim all as a free gift. By God's grace the gospel has always been able to win even the most doubtful mind. What has been the stumble block is the believer's ability to resist the deceitful voice of Satan and submit to God for positive mindset. 

Like the chameleon, the unstable mind takes its colour from its surroundings, and so he prays shifting positions. If sin is removed, the believer stand tall in all, to claim everything as far as the will of God permit it. It is not Satan who tells us what the will of God permit or otherwise, he doesn't qualify to do so.  If what you are asking is in good books of the word, God is ready to do as soon as you sign out in Jesus name.

God does not want to see us in pity, it serves Him no good when we are bedridden with sickness, poverty, shame or curse. He neither want us to perform special ritual(So called directions) before He hear us. He want us to resist sin, sinful thought, evil motives, pride and tiny negative voices which doubt what you have asked from God. A positive mind always receives answers to his prayer.  Hallelujah ! 

Prayer: Jesus you have already paid for my sins, please empower me to trust you in all my prayers. Amen

Further Readings: 1 Peter 5:8

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