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Realizing your Spiritual Blessings

Love Pulse Devotion Guide by Sampson R. Ampiaw
Friday Morning Devotion, October 19, 2018

Realizing your Spiritual Blessings

Main Story : Matthew 6:25-34

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. - Eph 1:3 NIV

The Apostle Paul was blessed with much understanding on Jesus' teaching concerning worrying and poverty probably more than those who may have heard the statement coming from Christ as recorded in Matthew's gospel. Paul wrote in 2Cor 8:9, "that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich" Jesus was not seen during His life upon the earth as a wealthy man. It could not be said that He was born rich and He didn't acquire wealth. The use of the term "rich" refers to the glory which Christ had with the Father before his incarnation.

Having taken our place on the tree, He carried our poverty and resurrected with blessing stored up in heavenly places which can be claimed by faith. Just as sin was not part of God's plan for man so was poverty, both were the product of Adam's disobedience. Remember, Adam was to feed his family by the blow of his sweat. Jesus the seed of the Woman paid the debt of Adam's disobedience, so the weak may say I AM STRONG, the poor, I AM RICH.

The very victory which claimed our justification, healing and redemption at the same period, claimed our financial breakthrough. We cannot believe in one and reject the other. The JUST shall live by faith not by sight. Hallelujah !

Prayer: Lord, I am grateful for taken my place on the cross. I no longer struggle to prosper, for my wealth is already realized by your word.

Further Reading: Matthew 7:6-7

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