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Love is giving - Love Pulse

Love Pulse Devotion Guide by Sampson R. Ampiaw

Sunday Morning Devotion, October 7, 2018

Love is giving

Main Story :   Romans 5:6-9

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -  Romans 5:8

It was a practice in the empire, that every Roman owed his life to his country. Romans citizens embraced this principle and it resulted in many illustrious and heroic actions. Patriotism increased among the people for many ages of the republic; recording one hero, from the fading of another.  Great men arose from time to time with commitment and dedication even in death for the public benefit. Paul a citizen himself, used these celebrated actions in the history of mankind to compare them with the death of Jesus Christ.

Those who devoted themselves to die for their friends or the country, submitted to a destiny which already lied ahead of them; but Jesus Christ was God, and the source of Life, but He submitted to death for our redemption. These illustrious sons who offered themselves to death for the good of others, offered sacrifices aimed to benefit their loved ones,  But Christ died for his enemies. Finally, Agya Ahor of Fante and Tweneboah Koduah of Asante (our version of Rome), devoted themselves to death on behalves of their tribes as an act of honour, but Christ's sacrificial death the most shameful in history.

An Akan proverb says "ƆdÉ” yÉ› wu"  literally means: "LOVE IS DEATH", but death in matters of love are always given or demonstrated to a love ones not enemies. Christ, step in to show us how to love those beyond our smiles. Love is reciprocal, we must give to demonstrate our love. We must devote to extend the gospel to every creature on the earth. Hallelujah ! 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for making me a new creation through your word and Spirit. Amen

Further Readings: John 3:1-21

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