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In our last fellowship meeting, we discussed the topic: Called by grace to serve by grace.

Under the Law, only men from the tribe of Levi could serve in God's house. The Levites performed all the services in the tabernacle and later in the temple. Also, they were given the responsibility to carry the tabernacle and all its furnishings, set it up and guard it so that no one could encroach the tabernacle area.

Under the New Covenant, God demonstrates His favour and goodwill towards us by inviting ALL OF US TO SERVE IN HIS HOUSE. This is an honour and favour we do not deserve.

God has different callings and assignments for each one of us that must be viewed as sacred trust. The sad truth is, most of us do not apply ourselves to the call of God on our lives. And the reason is, we sincerely believe that only the pastor and those called into the five fold ministry positions or full time ministry have God's call on their lives. We need to know that whether we are called into any of the five fold ministry positions or the helps ministry, there is a call of God on our lives to fulfill. By grace, God has given to each one a gift to minister to one another. This gift is not for you-- 1 Peter 4:10.

So, we have been called by grace. We have also received gifts to serve by grace. Moreover, God works through us by grace.

Graciously, God does not leave us alone to serve Him. God works in us and through us by His grace for us to serve Him acceptably and fulfill the call of God on our lives--1Peter 4:11; 1Corinthians 12:6.

Thankfully, God works with us, but we need to understand that He does so according to the measure of Christ's gift given to us -- Ephesians 4:7. We cited Rev. David Yonggi Cho in South Korea who has the world's largest congregation. As a Pastor, his level of responsibility would be greater than another Pastor in South Korea, who has a smaller church. Both Pastors stand in the same office, but Rev.David Yonggi Cho definitely will have a greater measure of grace upon him than the other Pastor.

We considered Exodus 31:1--6, and Exodus 35:30-35, where God called Bazelel, his assistant Ahiolab and other gifted artisan to do all manner of craftsmanship for the tabernacle. Bazelel who was chosen as the master craftsman was filled with the Spirit of God, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, expertise in all kinds of crafts and the ability to teach his skill to others---as against only wisdom that was given to his assistant and the other artisans who were to work together with him. Bazelel had a greater measure of grace than his assistant and all the other artisans because of the responsibilities and assignments given him.

Again, we considered Peter and Paul who were called as Apostles for the Jews and Gentiles respectively--Galatians 2:7,8. Both of them stood in the same office, but Paul who had to reach out to the nations, and oversee several Gentile churches experienced greater grace upon his life to work harder than Peter and all the other Apostles--1Corinthians 15:10. The truth is, among other things, God works in us by His grace, according to the assignment and responsibility we have to fulfill. There should never be any competition among us because we are not called to do the same thing.

Further, we mentioned that it is one thing to be called to stand in any office, but it is quite another to be separated to fulfill the specific work God has for you. Romans 1:1 says," Paul a bondservant of Jesus Christ, CALLED TO BE APOSTLE, SEPARATED TO THE GOSPEL OF GOD."

Paul was called in Acts 9 when the Lord appeared to him on the road to Damascus for the purpose of making him a minister and witness. Then Paul began to preach Christ and serve the Lord after his conversion. Later, Paul served together with other leaders in the local church in Antioch until he was separated along with Barnabas: "As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, "Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul FOR THE WORK TO WHICH I HAVE CALLED THEM."-- Acts 13:2.

The Spirit separated Paul for the work the Lord had for him some years after his first encounter with Christ Jesus.

Sad to say, the saints today are not properly trained, prepared and developed after being called. We know that after Jesus Christ had called His disciples who later became Apostles, before they could be effective and efficient, He trained, equipped and prepared them with every necessary teachings, and sealed their preparation with the Holy Spirit. I am convinced that preparation precedes seperation.

Also, we need to understand, organizations or men or churches do not call us into ministry. We can faithfully and lovingly work in any church or organisation or for any man of God, but we must always be mindful of the fact that it is God who calls and separates us to TO DO THE SPECIFIC WORK HE HAS FOR US. And it is God who equips us to fully fulfill the assignment He separates us to. We must not always feel comfortable to stay in just one place. We must be ready to move when the Lord separates us and sends us.

Again, we mentioned that God separates us to Himself and assigns us, but we must also separate ourselves from anything that contaminates or defiles us so that we can keep ourselves pure. The Father wants to pour His "special wine" in us as vessels of honour to serve His guests.

Paul illustrates this with 2Timothy 2:20, 21 (NLT)--ln a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones for everyday use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.

The head of any wealthy home separates the costliest and most beautiful glasses and utensils from the cheap ones. And when he has guests, he inspects these special glasses and plates before he serves them with. The reason he does this is for him to be honoured in their sights, and not to be unsettled or be embarrassed.

In God's house, we separate ourselves from false teachers or ministers whose teachings and practices contaminate us and corrupt our minds. In the light of this, church workers must also separate themselves from others whose bad attitudes negatively affect them. We all need to do this, so that we will stay undefiled as vessels of honour. Then God will pour Himself in us to use us for every good work.

The Amplified Bible renders the verse 21 as, "So whoever cleanses himself from what is ignoreable and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences will then himself be a vessel set apart and useful for honourable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work.

God has called all of us by grace to serve in His house. By grace, He has given us different gifts to minister to one another. And He works in us and through us by grace for us to fulfill the call of God on our lives. Prepare yourself for Him to separate you to do the specific work He called you for. Separate yourself for the Master's use to His honour and glory.

We will continue.




Make time to be with us every Saturday between 8am and 10 am.

GOD'S servants: Peter Collins Obeng and David Tsibu-Darko

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