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Influencing Society with Godly Leadership - Note from Personal Growth and Development

Leadership refers to the qualities which enable a person to direct influence towards a unique purpose. Godly leadership therefore, is directing influence towards God’s desired future. Godly leadership features three important qualities namely; Set of competences, Connection builder and Character. In order to prevent being identified in deficits of high leadership, godly leaders are expected to develop maturity in Character.

Character is a set of values built into a person’s life that coordinate his/her response regardless of circumstances. In Character, we find the trait of Relationship which is the ability to establish emotional attachment to another person. I have realized over the past weeks that due to my experiences, there is the need to workout further on my relationship with God and more especially people around me.

In this diary, I am going to share with you my personal note on the topic Personal Growth and Development a course undertook at Kenneth Hagin Bible Training Centre - Accra Compus, Ghana. Christians are called to lead, "follow me and be a fisher of men" is key to christian discipleship. I am sharing with you on how we could be intentional in the our quest to influence our society.


There are 3 main areas where we should identify and learn to grow up in them as we desire to lead others. We must be aware that

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